This describes an individual with a slim physique who appears well-dressed but less so without clothing, revealing issues like sagging buttocks, cellulite, and a protruding or lax abdomen.
Why I Became Skinny Fat?
Typically, these individuals have a delicate build, characterized by slim necks, ankles, and wrists, often with long legs. They possess a minimal percentage of muscle mass, and without any exercise regimen, their body comprises mainly skin, bones, and fat.
Another factor contributing to the skinny fat phenomenon is a form of eating disorder, predominantly affecting women. Unfortunately, women are frequently enticed into rapid weight-loss diets like “lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.” These diets are usually low in calories and lack proper balance, particularly in terms of inadequate protein intake. Without consistent physical activity, achieving a toned physique becomes challenging, resulting in a less-than-desirable appearance.
Commonly, the scenario unfolds as follows: a person loses 10 pounds, discontinues the diet, gains 25 pounds, and repeats this cycle. With each weight fluctuation, muscle mass diminishes. Elasticity in the body necessitates muscle development, hence, sculpted buttocks require exercise. However, many women tend to overlook the importance of engaging in sports.
Men, too, can shed excess fat, often characterized by a slender upper body coupled with a protruding belly. While men might be less inclined towards diets, poor nutrition and neglect of the gym contribute to their less-than-ideal physique.
In summary, becoming skinny fat often results from cycles of low-calorie diets, inadequate protein intake, and insufficient physical activity. To avoid this condition, it is crucial to steer clear of such practices and instead adopt a balanced diet along with regular exercise.