Not many people can imagine the processes of interaction between the cardiovascular and sexual-reproductive spheres with the same ease that is inherent in the work of these systems.

Meanwhile, potency problems are closely associated with cardiovascular pathology. Atherosclerosis (limiting blood circulation in the endocrine and genital organs), taking cardiac medications (beta blockers (for the treatment of rhythm disturbances, hypertension, ischemia), statins (to lower cholesterol), depression (accompanying cardiac nosologies) – all this undoubtedly affects on sexual desire. On the other hand, disorders in the sexual sphere significantly worsen the activity of the heart and blood vessels. One cannot fail to mention the provocative stimulating effect of potency stimulants (sildenafil-Viagra) on the heart. The effects of contraceptives (birth control drugs) and other means of hormone replacement therapy in menopause: increased susceptibility to thrombosis, tendency to arterial hypertension, increased cholesterol.

Below we will try to give examples that will show how important the mutual health of the systems under discussion is and what can be expected from ignorance of problems associated with the cardiovascular and sexual spheres.

The Impact of Sex on the Cardiovascular System

The impact of sex on the cardiovascular system consists of three main factors:

  • physical activity;
  • emotional outburst;
  • hormonal release.

All these factors together have a very noticeable effect on the heart and blood vessels; they are closely intertwined with each other and, when added together, form a significant load on the cardiovascular system.

It is known that during sexual intercourse there is an instantaneous peak increase in blood pressure, so pronounced that some patients experience “microtears” of the internal vascular lining. Also, during sexual intercourse, an increase in the pulse rate and increased heart contractions are noted. All this places an increased load on the cardiovascular system and places additional demands on the heart and blood vessels. The influence of the listed physiological factors on the cardiovascular system during sex is characterized by the following features:

  • smooth increase in load during “foreplay”;
  • an instant jump in physical, hormonal and emotional stress directly during sexual intercourse;
  • quick return to moderate hormonal and physical levels immediately after intercourse;
  • pronounced positive emotions, return to peace, relaxation and satisfaction.

In contrast to “sexual stress,” with typical emotional stress, a rapid return of hormonal and nervous deviations from the norm almost never occurs, and satisfaction with banal stress is also not observed.
Based on the above, we can conclude that people with preserved adaptive capabilities receive a pronounced training effect for blood vessels and heart muscle, stimulation of metabolism, activation of the immune system, regulation of recovery processes, and mechanisms that improve adaptation to stress are triggered.

How to Make Sex Safe for Your Heart?

However, people with one or another disease (this mainly applies to patients who have had a myocardial infarction, suffering from heart rhythm disturbances, or heart failure) can provoke the manifestation or progression of pre-existing symptoms during sexual intercourse.

If you have cardiac diseases, to improve the safety of sex and ensure its training properties, we can recommend the following:

  • strictly follow the instructions of the cardiologist in terms of taking therapeutic and preventive medications on a regular basis;
  • 2-3 hours before the proposed sex, additionally take those medications that can provide an effect that prevents hypertension, angina, arrhythmia (usually additionally prescribed by a doctor – nitrates, antihypertensives, antiarrhythmics);
  • if you have an active sexual life, take additional vitamin supplements and antioxidants;
  • give up drugs that stimulate sexual function (sildenafil – Viagra, Sialex);
  • if necessary, take special supplements (for example, Vitamin Dee Male Enhancement Gummies);
  • be calm (remember that the main causes of cardiac problems during sex are stress, anxiety and internal tension).

A gradual increase in both physical and sexual activity in almost all cases can lead to a return to a full life. On intimate issues that interest you, consult not only a urologist, but also a cardiologist (it must be recognized that the vast majority of patients are embarrassed to ask intimate questions, and many cardiologists do not fully understand these issues).

And one more piece of advice in terms of conclusion: do not turn sex into a “high performance” sport, but remember the gradually achieved training effects of sex on the cardiovascular system.